I've decided to give this old blog new life. Soon, the title of the blog will be changed to Traditional Housewife IN the World since I'm officially a working woman. I work part-time selling insurance, do hair on the side, and I'm still writing books. I even have a new pen name for my fiction: Lynn Howard
I'm not sure what exactly this blog will entail since I'm no longer a full-time housewife, but I still have quite a bit of old-timey stuff for you guys. I still make sure I look presentable, even on my days off work. I still go by somewhat of a cleaning schedule so my house never gets away from me. I still use homemade cleaning products to cut down on the number of chemicals used in our home.
For those of you who stuck around, let me know if there are any specific topics you'd like me to cover. Are there tips for a working mom/wife/woman you'd like me to address? Would you like to see my new cleaning schedule? Would you like to talk about family issues that could arise when mom goes back to work? Let's have a conversation. This blog is about us, not just me.
Anyway, it's good to be back! I missed you lovely people! Until next time, have a wonderful day!
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